Microsoft's Fix
While most of the security community is interested in the vulnerability and its exploitation, we at 0patch care more about the fix. Critical Windows vulnerabilities are most often of memory corruption flavor, and thus generally easy to fix, but when a cryptographic flaw comes by, there's a possibility that the fix will introduce a lot of new complex code. (Spoiler: not in this case.)
Since Netlogon remote protocol still holds together many production environments with old Windows computers, we knew that Microsoft's fix couldn't include any significant design changes unless it was also ported to long-unsupported Windows versions such as Server 2003, Server 2008 and Windows NT; breaking these systems on a global scale would, with only moderate dramatization, take us back to the dark ages.
Fortunately, Microsoft is highly disciplined when it comes to documentation: the Netlogon remote protocol page shows that the protocol specification was last changed in August 2020 - a good sign for us. Furthermore, they provide a handy "diff" document for every version so it's easy to find changes. The August 2020 diff document contains the following relevant changes:
- Page 102: A new setting
was introduced: "A setting expressed in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) ([MS-DTYP] section 2.5.1) of Netlogon client allowed to not use secure bindings, see section (VulnerableChannelAllowList
is not supported in Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008.)" - Page 104: A step was added to the session-key negotiation process: "If
none of the first 5 bytes of the client challenge is unique, the server
MUST fail session-key negotiation without further processing of the
following steps. (Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and
Windows Server 2008 allow the call to succeed.)"
- Page 110: Two steps were added to the session-key establishment process: "4. If secure bind is not used, the server MUST deny the request unless client is in the
setting. (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008 allow the call to succeed.)" and "6. If none of the first 5 bytes of theClientStoredCredential
computation result (step 1, section is unique, the server MUST fail session-key negotiation without further processing of the following steps. (Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008 allow the call to succeed. )"
The relevant change for Zerologon is obviously this: "If
none of the first 5 bytes of the client challenge is unique, the server
MUST fail session-key negotiation without further processing of the
following steps." However, what exactly does "if none of the first 5 bytes of the client challenge is unique" mean? The reader is challenged to make a mental image of what this phrase means, as anyone implementing the protocol would have to - and then read on to see how that mental image compares to Microsoft's code.
Diffing of netlogon.dll between July 2020 and August 2020 versions on Windows Server 2012 shows that function NetrServerAuthenticate3 was extended with a call to a previously non-existent function NlIsChallengeCredentialPairVulnerable and a subsequent branch to terminate the protocol in case the latter returns a non-zero value (implying that the challenge-credential pair was vulnerable).
Function NetrServerAuthenticate3 got a new security check in August 2020 |
Now let's look at the new function, NlIsChallengeCredentialPairVulnerable. The client-provided challenge is stored in a buffer pointed to by rcx. First, some global variable is checked: if it is 1, the function returns 0 ("not vulnerable"). We don't know what this global variable is and we found no write references to it, only three places where it is being read. We suspect it might be an #ifdef'ed global variable that is hard-coded depending on the target Windows version so that even if Microsoft rebuilds netlogon.dll for, e.g., Windows Server 2003, this security check will not work - which would be consistent with the current Netlogon remote protocol specifications.
Then, rcx is checked to be non-null (kind of important, we don't want to cause access violation reading from it), and rdx is also checked to be non-null. We don't know what rdx points to and decided not to go there as rdx's value is not used at all (the register is overwritten with 1 shortly thereafter).
Now to the meat of the function: the first byte of the challenge is stored into r9d, then the next four bytes are compared to it in a loop. If any of these four bytes is different from the first byte, the function returns 0 ("not vulnerable"). Otherwise, it returns 1 ("vulnerable"). This covers the case from the proof-of-concept tool, where the challenge is all zeroes, but it also covers challenges starting with 11111, 22222, 33333, etc., which would also be deemed malicious by this logic. We assume Microsoft asked one of its crypto experts how to fix this and they at least thought it possible (if not outright feasible) that challenges consisting of equal non-zero bytes could also be used for an attack, perhaps a less trivial one. [Update 9/18/2020] If we were any good at reading, we would notice this part in Secura's report: "When an IV consists of only zeroes, there will be one integer 0 ≤ X ≤ 255 for which it holds that a plaintext that starts with n bytes with value X will have a ciphertext that starts with n bytes with value 0. X depends on the encryption key and is randomly distributed." This explains the logic of Microsoft's patch, and all-zero challenge is just the simplest challenge to exploit.
NlIsChallengeCredentialPairVulnerable checks if the first five challenge bytes are equal. |
And why check only the first 5 bytes? We assume it's either because (a)
Microsoft calculated that even if a legitimate random challenge could
occasionally begin with 5 equal bytes, this would only break
approximately 1 in 4 billion requests, or (b) their challenge-generating
code in the client makes sure that the first five bytes are not the same
(which would only break 1 in 4 billion requests from non-supported
Windows computers).
Now, how does this implementation match your mental image of "if none of the first 5 bytes of the client challenge is unique"? We think something like "if all of the first 5 bytes of the client challenge are identical" would more accurately describe it, and hereby call on Microsoft to reword this sentence in a future version of the protocol.
Our Micropatch
The micropatch we wrote is logically identical to Microsoft's fix. We injected it in function NetrServerAuthenticate3 in roughly the same place where Microsoft added the call to NlIsChallengeCredentialPairVulnerable, but since the latter doesn't exist in old versions of netlogon.dll, we had to implement its logic in our patch.
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The source code of our Zerologon micropatch for Windows Server 2008 R2 |
The video below shows how 0patch blocks a "Zerologon" attack. The Zerologon test tool is launched against a fully patched Windows Server 2008 R2 without Extended Security Updates (i.e., patched up to January 2020) while 0patch Agent is disabled. As expected, the test tool discovers that the server is vulnerable. After enabling 0patch Agent, which applies an in-memory micropatch for CVE-2020-1472 to lsass.exe without having to reboot the system, the Zerologon test tool no longer succeeds.
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