Wednesday, June 21, 2023

New 0patch Central, New Security Features



Dear 0patch friends,

We're happy to share with you that four new highly asked-for features have been added to 0patch Central:

Multi-factor Authentication

You can now protect your 0patch account with multi-factor authentication (MFA). Use any authenticator app to configure MFA in your user profile and store recovery codes in a safe place in case you lose access to the app. This feature is available in Free, Pro, and Enterprise accounts.

Authentication Options

Select which authentication methods can be used for logging in to 0patch Central; choose between "Email and Password" and "Single sign-on", and specify whether multi-factor authentication ("MFA") is required for all users in the account. Find this feature under Account -> Security in Enterprise accounts.

Password Policy

Set the password policy for users in your account; users will be forced to change their password upon next login if needed. Find this feature under Account -> Security in Enterprise accounts..

IP Address Restrictions

Specify a set of IP addresses or subnets from which your 0patch Central account can be accessed. This setting does not affect 0patch Agents - they can always sync from anywhere. Find this feature under Account -> Security in Enterprise accounts..

Upcoming Security-Adoption of Windows Server 2012 

In the spirit of supporting legacy Windows versions and Microsoft products, we're happy to announce an upcoming adoption of Windows Server 2012, which goes out of official support in October 2023. If you're using Windows Server 2012 and would like to keep doing so securely, contact us at

Are your friends or peers operating Windows systems? Do them a favor and tell them about 0patch.

Thank you!

Your 0patch Team

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